Sunday, July 10, 2011

Post Argentina Thoughts

This experience was one I will always remember and cherish. I feel like I grew as a person and gained a new perspective on the world. I definitely have the travel bug now and I am already checking opportunities to visit South America during winter break. I love the culture and way of life there. All in all, I was happy to return home. I have a new appreciation for all of the little things that the United States has that make life easier.

10 things I missed while away: No particular order
  1. Drink refills at restaurants I mean come on!
  2. Free water.
  3. Ice in my drinks. - They had some serious issue in the beverage department!
  4. Texting my friends and family
  5. WIFI
  6. Exercise - RUNNING - one of the first things I did when I got home
  7. Eating a balanced diet. Sometimes wilted lettuce had to suffice for my veggies over a span of five days.
  8. The English language.
  9. Bubble baths
  10. Fresh fruit
10 things I am going to miss now that I am home:

  1. All of the wonderful friends I made - reunion this fall!
  2. AGUA CON GAS - carbonated water works too :)
  3. The excitement of a new culture
  4. NICO - our amazing tour guide.
  5. The disconnection from regular life to really experience new adventures
  6. The discotecas and nightlife.
  7. Dulce de leche
  8. The opportunity to travel and learn about Argentina all day
  9. The awesome peso/dollar exchange - dollar is super strong compared to peso. CHEAP STUFF.
  10. The overnight bus rides! Ha ha no but I will miss the bonding on the overnight rides.
That concludes my Argentinian Aventura. I hope you enjoyed reading my blog! :)

Check out my informational study abroad articles:

Studying Abroad - Exploring the World and Creating Yourself

The Ultimate CL Study Abroad Tip Guide

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